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No fence will last you forever, mostly due to the climate and its severe weather conditions. Likely at one time, you will eventually need some type of fence repair at your property in Boulder, Colorado. Brutal summer thunderstorms or heavy snowy winters can often topple trees and utility poles causing havoc to your fence.

Quite possibly a motor vehicle could run into your fence at your property in Boulder, Colorado which can cause severe damage, taking a big chunk out of your fence. Often times children like to climb a fence rather than go around a longer route to get to their friend’s house. Once they find a good spot to climb over the fence, they typically continue to climb it in that certain spot. This tends to wear on the rails of your fence.

Maybe your fence butts up to your neighbor’s cow or horse pasture. Cows and horses like to hang their heads over the fence or scratch themselves, and this can be hard on fences. Fence repairs are almost unavoidable for homes in Boulder, Colorado and surrounding areas.

Should you repair or replace?

If your fence on your property in Boulder, Colorado has seen its better days, you might want to consider your options for replacing the fence. Although, it could just need a couple of good coats of paint and a fence repair here or there and it could look good as new.

The most important thing you need to consider is how sturdy is your fence? If your fence is not stable, it might be time to replace your fence on your property in Boulder, Colorado. A fence that is not sturdy will not stand for long or take a beating during violent weather storms. Weigh the cost of both. It could be that your fence could be braced or rails replaced, making a fence repair your best option.

Most all types fences can be repaired including—

Anytime your property in Boulder, Colorado is in need of a fence repair and depending on the extent of repairs needed, you should always way the cost of a replacement fence against costly fence repairs.

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